25 February 2011

78th Fete du Citron - the Celts & the Vikings

Another of 'les Grandes Civilisations' - meet the Celts and the Vikings.


Une autre des «Grandes Civilisations» - les Celtes et les Vikings.


  1. As a big fan of the Norman conquest (remember the Viking descendant, William the Conqueror?) I really like this post!! I'll bet William didn't take any citrus with him, though! :)

  2. Oh Jilly this is priceless. One day I will visit Menton for the citrus festival.
    Is there a message today about scurvy?

  3. This is a beautiful festival of floats I bet the air is fragrant with the citrus, I love the Celts and the Viking read many a story about them.


  4. As a descendant of the Vikings, I love this float, Jilly. I am not sure people thought them very civilized when they were raiding their coasts though! We have attended some Lemon Festivals. They are always very creative and beautiful. As I recall, some of the exhibits are mobile and join the parade, and some stay put in the Garden. On Fat Tuesday, do the children still gather in costumes at the mairie to hear music and throw confetti everywhere? I got caught in the festive mayhem while at the laverie. Thank you once again for the beautiful memories.

  5. That is so over the top. I find myself wondering what the average pH of that float is, what with the mass of citric acid.

  6. This festival must be a tremendous amount of fun. I look forward to your coverage of the festival.

  7. Well, with our local temps below freezing right now it's hard to imagine citrus trees giving forth delicious bounty. Wish I was there to enjoy the season and festival!

  8. Karen, yes there is the display of 'motifs' in the Jardin Bioves - they don't move and that's what I'm showing at the moment. Then each Sunday there is a Corso - the parade. I'm going tomorrow - weather permitting. Then there are several night Corsos too and also the Jardin Bioves has Son et Lumiere evenings and I'm hoping to go to one of those. And yes, there is the Children's day too and this year it seems there are some additional parades through the streets but not in the enclosed official parade area.

  9. Wow, it's like an orange and lemon version of our local Rose Parade. So much creativity going on here!
