24 February 2011

78th Fete du Citron - les Grandes Civilisations

Here we go again!

Regular visitors to Menton Daily Photo will know that Menton celebrates its most famous festival at this time of year - the Lemon Festival. This year is the 78th year of its existence, the town is crowded and it takes half an hour to find a car parking place but that's normal and we are all used to it.

This year the theme is 'Les Grande Civilisations' and over the next week or so we'll look at some of the displays, visit the Corso (the parade) and generally have a jolly good time.

This photo shows you how the lemons and oranges are attached to a display. And in the small photo - Pre-Columbian Civilisations.

Menton isn't known as the lemon capital of France for nothing. Note the orange tree in the background of the Jardin Bioves. Many of the streets in Menton are lined with orange trees.


Voilà, ça recommence!

Les fidèles visiteurs de Menton Daily Photo savent que c'est la période de l'année où se déroule la plus célèbre fête de Menton: la Fête du Citron. Cette année pour sa 78e édition, la ville est envahie de visiteurs et il faut une demi-heure pour trouver une place de parking.C'est ainsi tous les ans et nous y sommes tous habitués.

Le thème de cette année est «Les Grande civilisations " et au cours des deux prochaines semaines nous allons admirer certains des motifs de l'exposition,nous suivrons le Corso où l'ambiance est généralement très joyeuse.

Cette photo vous montre comment les citrons et les oranges sont attachés sur le motif.
Et dans la petite photo - les Civilisations Précolombiennes.

Ce n'est pas pour rien que Menton est connue en France comme la capitale du citron. Remarquez l'oranger dans le fond du Jardin Biovès - la plupart des rues de la ville sont bordées d'orangers.


  1. My goodness! I love this, Jilly, absolutely love this. I had forgotten about the Lemon Festival. Can't wait to see rest of your coverage of this brilliant event.

  2. Hurrah! The citrus is back. I look forward to more photos!!

  3. Jilly this looks such fun, can't wait for future posts. really hoping there is an Angkok Wat of citrus coming up.

  4. Great images.
    I look forward to see more....
    To me it also looks like spring is on it`s way:)

  5. Tes images sont excellentes, contraste des couleurs, composition, etc...

    C'est une belle tradition bien française. Je me demande combien ça coûte au total?

  6. Lovely composition, makes me want to go and pick an orange or a lemon.


  7. Great theme for this year's festival. I look forward to your upcoming posts.

  8. A beautiful town that smells of lemon trees... Amazing.

  9. Ah, the citrus festival is back...looking forward to more creative floats and designs.

  10. Oh, this is going to be fun. I await the photos that follow. It looks like a French version of the Rose Parade.

  11. When I saw the second photo I had the same thought as Jack... the Rose Parade, citrus version. What a clever way to attach the fruit you have shown... I hope that we will see many more shots of this fête!


  12. Bright and colorful, just in time to reign in spring.

  13. Good idea to show how the lemons are tied! everyone is asking me!

  14. Wild, crazy, bizarre. And who could think of the south of France as sour?

  15. I was thinking just what Jack said--this is Menton's version of Pasadena's Tournament of Roses! (Or is it the other way around?)

  16. I heard that the carnaval de Nice is beginning now so I figured the fête du citron in Menton would be on its way too. And yes indeed.

    Lovely photo with the focus on the way the lemons and oranges are attached and the orange trees in the background.

  17. Such attention to detail. I remember seeing photos last year where you showed us how they are attached. This time I note that they have orange and yellow rubber bands! This is one of my favorite fêtes that you show us.

  18. Marie, the short answer is it costs a lot of money but on the other hand it brings an enormous amount of tourism to Menton.

    Virginia, clever you to notice that. I think this is a new innovation with the orange and yellow bands.

  19. I guess I missed this one. It is nice too. I don't know how they do it.

  20. I'm trying to catch up on all that I missed while traveling. This thumbnail really grabbed me, Jilly. The balance and composition here is wonderful. I'm so glad I didn't miss it. Better late than never, right?
