06 February 2011

'Au Bonheur des Rues' - Milk

Remember when milk came in bottles like this?


Vous rappelez-vous le temps où le lait était vendu dans des bouteilles de ce genre?


  1. I love the way you have created this, the angle and composition. Nice bottles. Have a nice Sunday!:)

  2. Yes, we had the top part enlarged too. It was for the cream to settle in and we would pour the cream off and drink the milk or use it some way. But the cream was special and then they homogenized it and pasteurized it and we lost the cream and the bottles.

    Our bottles were the bottom a normal size and a squeezed-in area and then a bulb on top for the cream.

  3. What I find wonderful is that bottles survived through times..

  4. I do. They were left on our front porch in a little metal box.

  5. The days of "model dairy", "doorstep milk", the 1920's car crash - an incident and a laugh (!), and Borax....yes, indeed, the kids don't know what they are missing.

  6. Abe...homogenized and pasteurized also took all the good bacteria and enzymes that helped us digest the milk...now we're all lactose intolerant!!!

    Love the photos...I think this style bottle pre dates me!!!

  7. I love the beautiful metal work holders for the milk bottles. We never had anything like that when we had a milkman. I do remember the cream at the top though, and my mother shaking it vigorously to "homogenize" it. I miss the taste of French milk. Even the modern variety tastes better - especially in a big cup of coffee!

  8. So many things have changed and not all for the better! I have loved this series of nostalgia that you have been doing.
