07 February 2011

'Au Bonheur des Rues' - the Photography Studio

This young man represents a client (or perhaps he's the photographer) at the photographer's studio. He wears a smart suit, a boater hat but he's almost lost his hand. Whooops.

Today is the last day of this series - for the moment, We will be back as there's the bar with pastis glasses and cigarette butts on the floor, there are wonderful old hats and of course there is the 'house of ill repute' - the bordello. So we'll return - but starting tomorrow let's get a bit of fresh air now that the sunshine has come back to Menton.

Thanks so much to everyone who has followed this series.


Ce jeune homme représente un client (ou peut-être il est le photographe) du studio de photographie. Il portait un élégant costume, un canotier, mais il a presque failli perdre sa main. Oups.

Aujourd'hui est le dernier jour de cette série - pour le moment. Nous y reviendrons car il y a encore le bar avec des verres de Pastis et des mégots de cigarettes sur le sol, de merveilleux vieux chapeaux et aussi bien sûr la "maison close" plus vulgairement appelée 'bordel'. Donc nous retrouverons 'Au Bonheur des Rues' mais à partir de demain nous allons prendre un peu d'air frais, maintenant que le soleil est revenu à Menton.

Merci beaucoup à tous ceux qui ont suivi cette série.


  1. AHHH! You scared me! :)

  2. I think he's going to pieces over the fact that the series is almost over. It will be good, though, to get outside and back to the future for a bit, won't it?

  3. LOL!!! You got me with that one!!! Fun photos!!!

  4. Men were so elegant in those times..and taking a picture was something so important and unusual!

  5. Sepia is perfect for that top picture but it makes me wonder if Freddie Kruger has been by for a visit.
