15 February 2011

Scene in Rue Longue

Rue Longue is the oldest street in Menton. Scenes just like this would have taken place hundreds of years ago....

The postman (everyone on Rue Longue knows this charming postman), the man with the baguette whose chatting to him - and the guy hurrying home with his shopping after visiting the market.

Just change the clothes and not much has changed except for the surface of the street, which sadly is not in keeping with the rest of this wonderful old street.


La Rue Longue est la plus ancienne rue de Menton. De telles scènes auraient pu se passer des centaines d'années auparavant ....

Le facteur (tout le monde de la rue Longue connait ce charmant facteur) l'homme à la baguette qui bavarde avec lui - et le gars pressé de rentrer à la maison avec ses courses après avoir visité le marché.

Il suffit de remplacer les vêtements et rien n'a beaucoup changé, excepté le dallage du sol, qui n'est malheureusement pas en harmonie avec le décor de cette magnifique vieille rue.


  1. How fun! Too bad people don't still dress up like that. Or maybe not... I'd hate to be under all that pressure every day to look good!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. magnifiques ces ruelles, j'aime tant voir cet aspect de la France.
    J'ai trouvé votre blog chez Owen. Quel plaisir!

    Bonne journée!


  4. Both shots are great! The first has super dark atmosphere. On the another shot I like the beauty of the old city.

  5. Looks like the postman is wearing modern sneakers.

  6. Wonderful shots - the first one is like the beginning of a novel>

  7. I just got back from Florida - and no internet - to be greeted by this wonderful scene from the Rue Longue. Thanks for the memories, Jilly. And that was our postman when we lived there. He is wonderful. He whistles as he walks up stairs to deliver packages.

  8. I love the top photo. It is a typical moment in three typical lives, preserved by an unseen photographer.
