16 February 2011

Waiting for Spring...

Waiting for Spring...and for the Restaurant Beausejour to open in Gorbio. Naila, the chef and owner, along with her husband, Yvan, is so artistic - she writes on containers and fills them with strawberries, courgettes, melons, herbs. These are left-overs from last year but not long now... the restaurant opens in April.


En attendant le printemps ... et l'ouverture du restaurant Le Beauséjour à Gorbio. Naïla, chef et propriétaire avec son mari Yvan, a aussi un sens artistique développé. Elle écrit sur les bacs à plantes, y fait pousser des fraises, des courgettes, des melons, des herbes aromatiques...Sur la photo, c'est ce qui reste des plantations de l'année dernière, mais plus pour longtemps.... le restaurant ouvre en avril.


  1. Waiting for spring is like waiting to get stung by a nest full of bees when planting things. I never thought of writing on things. That is a great idea. I should write something on the empty bluebird house. "Vacant" might be inspirational.

  2. Jilly, we are all waiting for spring and when it comes to Menton and Gorbio it will be a verdant beauty!


  3. Guess there aren't too many restaurants in Gorbio, nice to know there's a good one. Also, going back to your post a couple of days ago about the three musketeers of Gorbio, looking on Google maps in satellite mode, it looks like just above Gorbio, on the chemin de Peille, there is a place on the left with a lot of greenhouses all right next to each other... is that their organic farm ? What a wonderful setting that must be to work in. Hope you took home a good stock of fresh vegetables from them.

  4. don't you love that tickle of delightful expectation before something wonderful is about to happen. here in vermont spring seems so very far away. but through CDP i will savor its awakening across the northern hemisphere until it arrives here in my quiet corner of the world.

  5. Thank you for sharing
    This Wonderful work with us
    Good creations
