08 March 2011

78th Fete du Citron - and International Women's Day

Today is the Centenary of International Women's Day. To mark the day here's a little girl, full of joie de vivre after a day at the Fete du Citron - a woman in the making. Let's hope she lives a life of courage and one in which she can fulfil her potential. If she maintains the joy she shows today, I feel sure she will.

'One isn't necessarily born with courage, but one is born with potential. Without courage, we cannot practice any other virtue with consistency. we can't be kind, true, merciful, generous or honest.'

~ Maya Angelou

Here's to all my women friends - I couldn't exist without you...


Aujourd'hui, c'est le centenaire de la Journée Mondiale de la Femme. Pour marquer cette journée voici une petite fille, pleine de joie de vivre après une journée à la Fête du Citron - une femme en devenir. Espérons qu'elle mènera une vie de courage dans laquelle elle pourra réaliser son potentiel. Si elle garde la joie qu'elle montre aujourd'hui, je suis sûre qu'elle y parviendra.

«On ne nait pas forcément avec courage, mais on nait avec un potentiel. Sans courage, nous ne pouvons pratiquer aucune autre vertu avec cohérence. Nous ne pouvons pas être gentil, fidèle, miséricordieux, généreux et honnête. "

~ Maya Angelou

Ceci est dédié à toutes mes amies femmes sans lesquelles je ne pourrais vivre.


  1. A little girl dreams of being a princess... dreams of meeting the prince charming too ?
    This photo reminds me of Simone de Beauvoir's words "one is not born a woman, one becomes one". So much is ingrained into little girls' heads ever since they are born...
    But then let's not forget the sense of fun and celebration. Dressing up for carnival is so lovely!

    Thanks for your kind words on my blog Jilly. Ditto!

  2. Ah so sweet, we all should maintain and live fun of joie de vivre every day,

    Enjoy this day as we celebrate and unite in our hearts around the world.


  3. cette petite princesse qui court est magnifique, superbe photo j'adore ça

  4. This child is running toward a wonderful future, I think. You have caught such an exuberant moment. Thank you for sharing this image, thank you for your many wonderful images, thank you for your comments and your kindness. Thank you for you!

  5. Thank you, Jilly! Buona festa della donna!

    xo/Susan & Julie the Cat

  6. A wonderful post for women, Jilly. I love the Maya Angelou quote and the sentiment of your wish for this young girl.

