06 March 2011

78th Fete du Citron - the Students' Art Work

In the Jardin Bioves, alongside the massive displays, there is a small exhibition of art work by students at the Ecole Municipale des Arts
Plastiques in Menton. All follow the subject of this year's theme for the festival - Ancient Civilisations. Nice, aren't they?


Dans le Jardin Biovès, à côté des grands motifs , il y a une petite exposition d'oeuvres réalisées par des étudiants de l'Ecole Municipale d' Arts Plastiques de Menton. Tous ont travaillé sur le thème de la fête de cette année- les 'Grandes Civilisations'. C'est réussi, n'est-ce pas?


  1. Very nice, and if they survive the centuries, perhaps they'll be excavated one day! :)

  2. What talented students, what an excellent challenge this was for them.

  3. Very nice! The one with the pyramids would look great in my back yard.

  4. When people are surrounded by beauty, they make beautiful art, including photos.

  5. Looks like there must be some good things going on at that school...
