01 March 2011


A day's break from the Fete de Citron for the usual Theme Day which this month is 'My favorite part of town.'

There is so much beauty in Menton that it's almost impossible to choose. The Mediterranean, the market, the cafes and bars, the mountains, the hill villages. If I had to choose though it would be the iconic Old Town of Menton or one of the medieval villages, such as Gorbio, where I live.

So here's a tiny ruelle in Gorbio village with one of the many mimosa trees in bloom. In the smaller photo, I'm re-posting one of my favourite shots of Menton's Old Town - the colours of the south.

To see how other bloggers around the world have interpreted this month's theme please click HERE.

Pour l'habituelle journée thématique du mois, on fait une pause avec la Fête de Citron. Ce mois-ci le thème est: «Ma partie préférée de la ville."

Il y a tant de beautés à Menton qu'il est presque impossible de choisir. La Méditerranée, le marché, les cafés et les bars, les montagnes, les villages perchés. Si je devais choisir parmi elles ce serait l'emblématique Vieille Ville de Menton ou l'un des villages médiévaux tels que Gorbio, où je vis.

Alors voici une petite ruelle du village de Gorbio avec l'un des nombreuse mimosas en fleurs. Dans la petite photo, je publie de nouveau une de mes photos préférées de la vieille ville de Menton - les couleurs du sud.

Pour voir comment d'autres blogueurs du monde entier ont interprété le thème de ce mois cliquez ICI s'il vous plait.


  1. One of the prettiest places on earth in which to live...


  2. An inspirational place - love the mimosa - like our Wattle.

  3. They're selling mimosa here now, too, but I haven't bought any yet.

  4. Same place , different ways to look at it!
    I know this little street in menton, your light in the pictures is soooooo perfect!

  5. There is an "air de famille" (family resemblance ?) between your photos and mine !
    Beautiful is the light in our south !

  6. That is a great compliment to me, Avignon. Merci!

  7. Just so beautiful and evocative. You are lucky to live in such a wonderful place.

  8. It's terrific when one's own neighborhood is the favorite spot, and why not...you live in a lovely area.

  9. I loooooooove your second photo. It should be the dust jacket cover of a coffee table book of your photos.

  10. You are so lucky to live in such a wonderful place!

  11. Very nice choice. I really like the clothes hanging out to dry - makes it seem like a friendly place. And the light is so beautiful. Happy Theme Day.

  12. I wondered how on earth you would even choose a favorite Jilly, but you made a fine choice. I love both of these. I'm so glad I get to visit your special place every day.

  13. This is a beautiful post, Jilly! The mimosa is exquisite.

  14. Love the beautiful mimosa plant between the old walls .

  15. All of your town is so lovely but you have chosen a particularly lovely spot today.

  16. C'est tellement inspiring! ;-)

  17. Jilly, I love the mimosa blooms of early, almost-spring. That second shot is one of my favorites and just perfect for the theme photo... You have selected an incredible place in which to live and thrive - bravo!

  18. I can't imagine living in such a beautiful place! Lovely photos.

  19. To walk there would be a dream.

  20. Your village is indeed so beautiful, Jilly. No need to choose! How fortunate we are.

  21. Beautiful photo of your village, Jilly. And I know that street in Menton. It is the Rue Mattoni I believe. I once rented an apartment inside the first doorway from the basilica. I woke up to a beautiful view of the Mediterranean over the rooftops every morning.

  22. Both photos are breathtaking. So beautiful. I am so glad to see that the spring is the winner in Gorbio and Menton. The air is thick with beauty there.

  23. A perfect pair of gems.

  24. I love seeing Menton through your eyes. Thank you for sharing this extra special bit too!

  25. très joli, j'adore les mimosas , pas l'ombre d'un dans ma région :(
