30 March 2011

The Red Balloon

They didn't have balloons like this in my childhood but I'm not sure that I don't prefer a simple red balloon that floats away to heaven.


Il n'existait pas de tels ballons dans mon enfance, mais je ne suis pas sûre de ne pas préférer un simple ballon rouge flottant loin vers le ciel.


  1. There are TWO boys, Jilly!!
    So it had to be the motorbike of course!!!
    Barbara from Germany

  2. moi j'en avais des comme celui la, mais avec la tete de mickey, de mimi and co. Belle compo

  3. Jilly:

    This brought back vivid memories both in your photo and words. My son ( now grown up) holding his first very bright balloon -- - and I did not have it tied to his wrist, my mistake well it flew off to heaven under a clear sunny and breezy sky. He was heart broken over his loss, and buying him another just was not comforting at all. I guess an early lesson in life learning to "let go"

    Have a beautiful day, a lovely photo.

  4. That is quite a fancy balloon. But, I'm with you, I think I like the plain round balloons the best.

  5. I'm with you. A simple bright red balloon would be classic. These things are more for the parents to feel that they are doing their job than for the kids. The kids don't care.

  6. i prefer the simple balloons too :)

  7. These new fangled balloons are harder on the environment too, when they escape!
