25 March 2011

Spring Forward...

In Spring we shed our winter coats and the dogs do too. This little shih-tzu has just been collected from the Poodle Parlour at the foot of the Old Town.


Au printemps nous nous débarrassons de nos manteaux d'hiver et les chiens font de même. Cette petite shih-tzu vient juste de sortir du Salon de Toilettage au bas de la vieille ville.


  1. Yes very sweet, the dog.

    My poor dog needs to be shaved - he looks like he has two overcoats on.
    It is still cold, windy and rainy here.


  2. Yessssss!
    Love that composition!

    Jilly I can't believe I'd missed so many of your latest posts, where was I? The globe trotters festival certainly ate up a lot of my time, both at the weekend and in preparation in the weeks before.

    Anyway, I've really enjoyed catching up!

  3. This is the sort of framing that i love. So glad spring is on its way, in 2 weeks time I will be landing in Munich and traveling around South Germany and Northern France, I wish I could also be in the south of France to visit Avignon and Menton. Next time!!

  4. aw look at him! we pick up our new puppy on sunday, can't wait!!

  5. Amazing shot with the shadow and the lovely moment. Have a great weekend!

  6. They both look pleased to be out walking on such a gentle day.

  7. What a wonderful shot Jilly. THe color, the shadows, the composition......parfait!!!

  8. Love the split of colors, those colors that speak of Old Town... great motion with the brisk walk of pup and pop.

