04 April 2011

Cat amongst the Pigeons

The afternoon light creates shadows that seem to increase the intensity of colour in the Old Town. Do you see the cat eyeing up the pigeons?

You can read about an abandoned dog - now my new old dog! - on Riviera Dogs today.


La lumière de l'après-midi crée des ombres qui semblent augmenter l'intensité des couleurs dans la Vieille Ville. Remarquez le chat qui surveille attentivement les pigeons.

Ma nouvelle vieille chienne, Fanny - Riviera Dogs.


  1. Lovely colors in the shade. I did manage to spot the cat.

  2. He has his eye on the situation.

  3. Yes, I can see - and remember - the wonderful colouts ... and also the cat! :-)

    Yes, I read your story about Fanny; really something and another bravo to you!

  4. Yes, and the ancient shoulder of the mountain perfectly positioned in the background. What a shot. Can't wait to find out about the new old pup.

  5. Oh those charming old streets!
