01 April 2011

The Edge of the Cemetery

Theme Day this month and the word is 'edges' - so here are a lot of them... the edges of the cross and pedestal, the edge of the building, the rounded edges of the pillars and the worn edges of the rusty wrought iron gate. Perhaps too, think of the people who are buried here in Menton's old cemetery who have edged their way to heaven.

And what about those who feel a little on edge hoping they don't end up here anytime soon...

Please click here to see how others around the world have interpreted today's theme.


Le thème de la Journée de ce mois est «Bords» .En voici donc quelques -uns ... les bords de la croix et de la colonne, le bord du bâtiment, les bords arrondis des piliers et les bords usés de la grille en fer forgé rouillé. Peut-être aussi, peut-on penser aux gens qui sont enterrés ici dans le vieux cimetière de Menton qui ont espérer tracer leur chemin vers le paradis. Et que dire de ceux qui se sentent un peu sur le bord l'abîme en espérant qu'ils ne finissent pas ici de sitôt ...

Cliquez ici, s'il vous plait pour voir comment ce thème d'aujourd'hui a été interprété par d'autres autour du monde entiere


  1. Edges galore. A feast of edges!

  2. I guess we all live on the edge of the cemetery. Great choice for theme day.

  3. Yep I will keep on this side as well. Great post have a smashing month

  4. Wowowow, Jilly, gorgeous photo and post.

  5. We share similar thoughts on this theme day.

  6. Très jolie photo qui me fait même penser à Avignon...

  7. Love your many approaches to today's theme word. Very nice photo with a choice of edges :-)

  8. I know a lot of people sleeping on that special edge..
    beautyful and sweet play with curves , shadows and lines..

  9. I love your photo for the theme, Jilly. Especially that curved edge in the foreground and background fencing. I never think of curves when I think of edges. And you've got so many types of edges covered :-). It is a beautiful shot, and I love looking through in that light.

  10. On espère rester sur le bord du cimetière le plus longtemps possible

  11. Very creative, arty and stylish choice of image for the Theme Day!

  12. I also tried to show multiple edges, but I used the elements of nature in Tamarindo. I never thought of a cemetery. Very creative and clever.

  13. Ah, you made a deliberate attempt to include edges in your curves...it softens the idea of edges, I think.

  14. I love all the different layers, both visually and mentally. Edges, the edge of the cemetery, the edge of life. Beautifully done.

  15. Especially love the edgy patterns and depth of your image, Jilly. Wonderful, as ever!

  16. Yes, many edges - lost and found - but more than that I enjoy your use of natural framing to feature the white cross in the cemetery.

  17. Very nice image, Jilly. I might have lost count of all those edges, though . . .

  18. BeautifulWorkThankYouForSharing:)

  19. A soft, beautifully subtle edge to your photograph! Thanks for visiting

  20. So much depth, both physical and emotional. Well done!
