25 April 2011

Sunshine and Rain in the Old Town

The sun doesn't always shine in Menton but it did for me when Brattcat and Mr. Brattcat came to stay. Today they leave Menton and will be visiting with our mutual and dear friend Malyss in Nice.

Come back soon, dear Brattcats.


Le soleil était absent à Menton, mais il m'a fait le plaisir d'apparaitre pour le séjour de Brattcat et M. Brattcat. Aujourd'hui, ils quittent Menton et se rendent à Nice pour rencontrer notre chère amie commune Malyss.

Revenez bientôt, chers Brattcats.


  1. Yesterday at Easter dinner at Glenda's house I commented that the Brattcats were visiting you. After Glenda and Julie commented about how wonderful that was, Glenda asked if I had seen a photo of Brattcat. I commented that I had seen photos of Mr. Brattcat, but I could not remember Brattcat posting aphoto of herself.

    Today you supplied the photo. She looks as smart, cultured and vivacious as one would expect from her blog.

  2. Terrific photo. What a wonderful get-together you must have had!!

  3. Beautiful photo of both Brattcats and so glad that you all had a wonderful weekend! (Ditto Dave's comments - plus how perfectly "scarfed" she is!)


  4. I was hoping you would have a photo from the Brattcat's visit! I bet you had a great time.

  5. I love BC!!! How fun to see her in person with her dear Mr.BC. I'm so glad you all got to meet. I'd have loved to tag along!!!

  6. Can I say it is impossible to take a bad photo of Brattcat. She is so beautiful with that amazing smile and looking about 16 of course!

  7. Nice shot of them, Jilly. I simply knew you would all get along like the proverbial house ...

  8. You have substituted your portal photo in today's post, Jilly. Here in Paris, over 30 days I have experienced 1.5 days of rain. I see you have received more over Easter.

  9. Julie, yes I did. I loved the Brattcats in the rain but, in the photo I eventually used, I couldn't resist the way Brattcat's amazing energy and enthusiasm and absolute joy of life came through in the one I eventually used.

    I even learned to like photography in the rain...

    Perhaps tomorrow...are you on Skype. Hotel phone number?

  10. Skype ... email coming

  11. Oh, hello Brattcats! How nice that you all got to visit in beautiful Menton.

  12. What a beautiful surprise to see the brattcats here/there! Thank you for posting this.

  13. How odd that I follow both blogs! I must have found Brattcat's off of your blog??? Love them both!

  14. Lovely couple filled with so much joy.


  15. Merci, dear Jilly. If the Brattcats look happy, it's because rain or shine, their host had them floating on the exquisite Mediterranean air.

  16. You've perfectly captured the Brattcats I love, Jilly! Your images are incredible. I will be visiting often to keep up with your insightful photographs and comments. Brattcat told me how wonderful you are.

  17. What a wonderful post Jilly, and what great photos!

    I love it when blogging gives us an opportunity to meet such delightful people. The international community we're building here is quite an amazing thing.
