18 May 2011

Last night's dinner...

You are looking at last night's dinner - very good it was too. These guys make a giant paella outside Menton's market every Tuesday. They start cooking early in the morning and by around 10.30h or 11.00h it's ready and you'll have to join a queue to buy it. On other days they are in other markets in the region.


Voici mon dîner d'hier soir - c'était aussi très bon. Ces gars-là font une paella géante à l'extérieur du marché de Menton tous les mardis. Ils commencent la cuisson tôt le matin et vers 10h30 - 11h00 c' est prêt . Vous n'avez plus qu'à vous joindre à la file d'attente pour acheter votre part. Les autres jours, ils sont dans d'autres marchés dans la région.


  1. Outdoors in great weather with great food and people all around. Could it get any better?

  2. You wouldn't be able to walk past that would you Jilly, the smell would have been irresistible for sure. What a great idea though... just realizing that I've forgotten about lunch haha!

  3. I think I might have to follow them around from market to market if I lived there.

  4. Could the paella in France taste as good as the paella in Barcelona? I think I know the answer if you ask a Spaniard.

  5. Wow. Now this is the kind of cooking I'd like to do... right next to the charcoal grill outside.

  6. Yummmmm! Now that looks like fabulous paella!!!

  7. Ooooh, this is outstanding. Book me a Tuesday, will you?

  8. You are fabulous at capturing these little slices of life!

  9. I would definetly be one of the first in the line ha ha my favourite :-)

    My husband is going to be staying in Menton for the Grandprix week .. not sure where though , he works for F1, if you remember from posts . I unfortunately still cannot make it down there, .. we tried to sort it, but the team manager is not being helpful and i couldn't stay with my husband and don't know wherelse to stay :-( maybe another time . I know i haven't commented much on your blog but never forgotten it .. told my hubby about your beautiful town.
