22 May 2011

Menton - 150 years of being French

Yesterday was an important day in Menton - the 150th anniversary of the day Menton chose to attach itself to France.

The Marseillaise was sung five times!

In 1346, Menton was under the ownership of Charles Grimaldi, Lord of Monaco. From hence, Menton’s history became intertwined with that of the Principality of Monaco. In 1848, Menton broke away from the Principality and proclaimed itself a free city under the protection of the King of Piedmont Sardinia. Menton chose to become part of France in 1861 and Charles III of Monaco released all rights of the city to Emperor Napoléon III. Menton became part of the Alpes-Maritimes department of France.

The monument is known as the 'Statue of the Attachment.'


Hier était un jour important - celui qui a été choisi pour commémorer les 150 ans du rattachement de Menton à la France.

La Marseillaise a été chantée cinq fois!

En 1346, Menton est la propriété de Charles Grimaldi, seigneur de Monaco. Dès lors, l'histoire de Menton devint étroitement liée à celle de la Principauté de Monaco. En 1848, Menton se détacha de la Principauté et se proclama ville libre sous la protection du roi de Piémont Sardaigne. En 1861, Menton choisit d'être rattachée à la France et Charles III de Monaco céda tous les droits de la ville à l'empereur Napoléon III.Depuis, Menton fait partie du département français des

Le monument est connu sous le nom «statue du rattachement".


  1. Oh, now I get it. Thanks for the lesson. Congratulations on 150 good years.

  2. They cleaned the statue very well! When I pictured it in January, it was so grey..I hope you had a nice day!

  3. Malyss, it was a fabulous day --- until I got home and found that the camera with the zoom lens had the ISO set to 3200! Haven't a clue how it happened - I didn't do it - it was one of those camera gremlins, so now I have a lot of very very very grainy photos.

  4. Anonymous22 May, 2011

    Saturday night bath?

  5. Looks like it was perfect weather for it. Hope you enjoyed the weekend.

    Note: a foodle = fox terrier x poodle.
    Thank you for the nice comment on my blog.

  6. Ah, that's an interesting mix, Ken!

  7. Thanks for sharing the picture of the statue and the history of the attachment of Menton to France. I learned something new.

  8. Congratulations, Menton! And merci for the history lesson, Jilly.

  9. How interesting. Do the Grimaldis ever visit Menton?

  10. This is intersting, Jilly. I need to understand more about Menton. It seems it also borders Italy as well as Monaco. I have never lived in a border town, so I am wondering if the people in one city speak and act and think French and on the other side Italian, or if it is a blend.

  11. Mark, yes the ties between the Grimaldis and Menton is strong. Prince Albert was in Menton only a week ago to open a new garden at the Palais Carnoles.

    And Jack, the majority of Mentonnais speak Italian and when you cross the border many speak French (not all tho) Menton still retains many of its Italian qualities - probably why I love it so much!

  12. Yes Jilly. As someone who knows about dogs, do you not find that Kaiah looks more like a poodle ? But, I can tell you... she has the nose of a terrier ! Have a great day.

  13. Wise decision? Maybe than it was.
