06 May 2011


We've left the Old Town of Ventimiglia and are now at the main market.

It's time to buy your tomato plants and look how helpful it is when the vendor places a ripe tomato amongst the young plants - at least then you won't get a surprise. The purple one is an aubergine, of course - eggplant across the pond.


Nous avons quitté la vieille ville de Vintimille et nous nous trouvons maintenant aux halles du marché.

Il est temps d'acheter vos plants de tomates et vous apprécierez la bonne idée du vendeur qui a pendu une tomate mûre correspondant à chaque jeune plant - ainsi, vous n'aurez pas de surprise à la récolte. Le fruit violet est une aubergine bien sûr -'eggplant' aux Etats Unis.


  1. beau plan de tomate, qui promet de bonnes salades

  2. Seeing ripe tomatoes on those young plants just got me - how was that possible ??? How clever, love it.

  3. Love markets--thanks for taking us to one--and great vendor idea, too.

  4. I hope you bought many for your garden Jilly. How wonderful to see what you might expect.... if you have a green thumb? :)

  5. Hi Jilly - have you taken up advertising photography? These are brilliant photos IMO.

  6. Great images! Love the composition and the light/colors.
