13 June 2011

Gardens: Maria Serena - Pruning the Agave

Some gardeners have a great view whilst they perch high above the Mediterranean pruning an agave.


A l'occasion de l' élagage d'un agave, certains jardiniers ont une vue magnifique, tout en haut de leur perchoir au-dessus de la Méditerranée.


  1. If this gardener does not keep these agave trimmed, he might not be able to reach them without leaning too far over the railing

  2. each year, when time comes to celebrate gardens in Menton, i think I should go, but every year, I have something else to do. Since I saw your last pictures, I have to swear to myself that next time I MUST go, whatever happens! this garden seems so beautyful!

  3. Ah, to fill one's lungs with that beautiful air.

  4. Ooh, do not lean out too far, gardener. But what a view!

  5. Gardening with a view... would I be a very serious gardener if I lived here? Probably not. I'd be too absorbed in the view.

    Clever placing: you captured both the balustrade and the sea.
