05 June 2011

Under Construction - the Sewage Plant

Just in case you thought everything is beautiful in Menton (it is, of course!) ... well, here's a tractor atop an enormous pile of rubble at what will eventually be the new sewage plant at Roquebrune-Cap-Martin.


Juste dans le cas où vous penseriez que tout est beau à Menton (ce qui est vrai bien sûr!) ... Eh bien, voici un tracteur au sommet d'un énorme tas de gravats là où sera finalement la nouvelle station d'épuration de Roquebrune-Cap-Martin.


  1. Everything has to start somewhere hey Jilly. If I know the French I'm sure it will be a very attractive sewage plant.

  2. Hmmm...I think you left this out of the tour.

  3. Oggi eravamo a Menton e , dopo una giornata di pioggia , un po' di sole ci ha salutato prima di partire. Guardate , se volete il mio blog.
