04 June 2011

Under Construction - the Stonemason

Here's another artisan from the Les Compagnons du Mentonnais. This time the stone mason. Apologies that some of the photos are grainy. Not me, you understand! It was the gremlin of the camera who changed the settings to 3200 ISO on a sunny day. Not clever.


Voici un autre artisan du groupe des Compagnons du Mentonnais. Cette fois, c'est le tailleur de pierre. Excusez le fait que certaines des photos sont granuleuses.Ce n'est pas de ma faute ! C'est mon appareil photo qui se comporte comme un diablotin en changeant les paramètres à 3200 ISO pour une journée ensoleillée. Ce n'est pas malin de sa part.


  1. Those pesky gremlins Jilly, if they are a bit grainy (I think they're perfect) will work well with the subject matter.

  2. I think we should shout the old codger an Aussie bushman's hat!

  3. Julie, you are right! I thought of you with your beautiful photos of hands but this has such a high ISO that it hardly compares. You are the hand genius!

  4. Anonymous04 June, 2011

    The man and the hanky on his head!
    I would have photographed that, too!! Too special to walk by..
    Have a nice day everybody!
    Barbara from Germany

  5. You captured him in his element.

  6. I love these photos. You can't go wrong photographing a stonemason!

  7. Karen USA04 June, 2011

    They look good to me, Jilly, but I know nothing about photography except whether I like a picture or not. Maybe the camera "gremlin" is why my son still prefers the Minolta I bought him 25 years ago!

  8. grainy suits him to a tee.
