01 July 2011

The Colour Green

The Riviera Palace is one of Menton's stunning Belle Epoque buildings. Once a 'palace' it has since been converted into apartments and with all the glorious features retained. Soon, Menton Daily Photo will do a series on this amazing building and I know you'll love it as much as I do.

Meanwhile this entrance to the private gardens fits the requirement of Theme Day which is 'the colour green' - so I give you a green gate and a green garden.

Please click here to see how others around the world have interpreted today's theme.


Le Riviéra Palace est l'un des superbes immeubles de Menton de la Belle Epoque. Ce palace a été transformé depuis en appartements mais il a conservé toute sa magnifique apparence. Bientôt, Menton Daily Photo fera une série sur cet immeuble étonnant et j'espère que vous l'aimerez autant que moi.

Dans l'intervalle, cette entrée dans les jardins privés correspond à l'exigence de la Journée thématique qui est «la couleur verte '- Ainsi je vous montre un portail vert et un jardin vert.

Cliquez ici, s'il vous plait pour voir comment ce thème d'aujourd'hui a été interprété par d'autres autour du monde entier.


  1. tres belle DOF sur la premiere photo

  2. For you, for Menton, for the theme, that's perfect!

  3. I will be looking forward to the series.

  4. Cette grille nous donne l'eau à la bouche pour la future visite

  5. How nice to have an apartment in that building Jilly, perfect for today.

  6. Now this looks to be a solid type of gate that would take a hefty shoulder to shift it. I like wrought iron like that. I like the more delicate variety as well. Look forward to the series ...

  7. A very artistic rendition of the theme, Jilly. I'm looking forward to seeing more photos of the grounds and apartments.

  8. The colour is just incredible

  9. Some nice 'riviera' in green, with a green background!

  10. Riviera is usually seen as Blue, so it's a funny change!

  11. So suited to Menton, what a perfect choice Jilly! (but yesterday's photo was a winner and would have been equally adequate)

  12. Voilà qui fait rêver... So lush!

  13. Can't wait to see more of the building. Great theme day post Jilly.

  14. Quoi de plus Frenchie que la grille en fer forgee!
    Et verte comme il se doit pour today!!

  15. Maybe the named the building "Riviera" in case people returned home so drunk that they forgot where they live.

  16. I don't generally associate green with the Riveria, I'll have to rethink that after these images.

  17. Perfect for the theme day.

  18. Wonder what font that is. Very powerful!
