13 July 2011

Early Birds: the Dog Walkers

Early morning and people walk their dogs. And some dogs walk themselves...

The advertisement on the right is for Menton's fabulous Festival of Music which takes place in August.

You can see more of the little dog in the small photo on Riviera Dogs today.


Il est tôt le matin, les gens promènent leurs chiens. Et certains chiens se promènent seuls ...

La publicité sur la droite est celle du prestigieux Festival de Musique de Menton qui a lieu au mois d' août.


  1. Strange.. the two women seem to wear the same trousers!

    The small dog alone is so lovely! I like this last picture!

  2. Lovely early morning light in the first picture Jilly, and the little dog is too adorable!!

  3. I, too, noticed how co-ordinated the two walkers seem to be.

  4. The shot of the little guy is priceless.

  5. Karen USA14 July, 2011

    I loved the Music Festival. We would sit in a restaurant at the foot of the ramparts to St. Michel and watch the "swells" exit their autos. There were beautiful yachts in the bay too, lit up like wedding cakes. And then there was the wonderful music we could hear from the steps on the rue Longue.
