05 July 2011

Limoncello de Menton

Limoncello is a delicious liqueur common to the south of Italy, the Ligurian coast and southern France. It's made of alcohol, sugar and the zest of lemons. You can see in the smaller photo lemon zest marinating in alcohol.

It's served very cold in tiny glasses and you'll often be offered a free Limoncello after dinner in many of Menton's restaurants.

Au Pays du Citron


Le Limoncello est une liqueur délicieuse commune au sud de l'Italie, à la côte ligure et au sud de la France. Elle est faite avec de l'alcool, du sucre et des zestes de citrons. Vous pouvez voir dans la petite photo des zestes de citrons qui marinent dans l'alcool.

Le Limoncello est servi très froid dans des petits verres et très souvent, dans de nombreux restaurants mentonnais, on vous en offrira gracieusement en fin de dîner.

Au Pays du Citron


  1. It is a yummy drink. I have bottle in my refrigerator right now.

  2. Be careful! It's very soft, and before to realize it, you're drunk! :o)

  3. oh, dear. i think i missed this experience. i will have to come back.

  4. Love the image of perfectly spaced sunshine yellow bottles Jilly, Like Sharon I do have a bottle her at home too, delish!!

  5. Yes I have had this. I love anything with lemon. I bought olives stuffed with lemon recently. Divine!

  6. Ooh, yes! My daughter had some in southern Switzerland and now makes batches of it each year. Mmm, mm.

  7. Somehow I have associated this area with limoncello and now I know why;.

  8. I love this stuff and should have a bottle in my fridge too!

  9. Anonymous06 July, 2011

    It is also made right here in Southern California. In this very house, as a matter of fact. Most of the hard work is in the waiting.

  10. Great series about lemon goodies. I looked up the recipe for "citrons confits" and think I will make some at home from the lemons M's daughter brought us from Menton when she came up here.

  11. a refreshing drink,,,your photo's make it all look so very tempting to taste.

