26 July 2011

Tango in Menton - 'Hold Me'

'Please, just for me, forget the steps... Hold me, feel the music, and give me your soul. Then I can give you mine.'


'S'il te plaît, juste pour moi, oublie la mesure ... Serre-moi, ressent la musique, et donne-moi ton âme. Alors je pourrai te donner la mienne.'


  1. Beautiful close-up, enhanced by the BW. Wish I had someone to dance with, sigh...

    Olivier in Evry is showing us the waltz today!

  2. Giving soul one to each other seems to be the essence of tango, perfectly showed here!

  3. you've caught the essence of humanity exactly both in words and image.

  4. Excellent capture Jilly, tou caught them at exactly the right moment they are so into the moves.

  5. Terrific photo - suggests so much . . .

  6. Works very well in monochrome. The lack of colour adds to the scene. Even Superman want's to break out and dance.

  7. I have been loving these tango shots - the feet yesterday were so sexy!

  8. Jilly, every time I think you have done it all, you bring us a portrait like this. It is just amazing and so ........JILLY! I continue to learn from you.

  9. You found an intimate moment and froze it for us. I feel like averting my eyes to give them some space . . .

  10. Oh, that's fabulous. How the nose and the cheek blend! I told Julie in Sydney a few minutes ago that I thought she she should get the CDP Cartier-Bresson award of the day but I may have to change my mind. This is museum quality work.
