06 August 2011

Africa in Gorbio - One Last Bang of the Drum

Our last day (or should I say 'evening') at the festival. By the end of the concert, many people were up on their feet, swept away by the beat of the music. Here's just a few last images.

Tomorrow: something rather nice to eat...


Notre dernière journée (ou devrais-je dire « soirée») au festival. À la fin du concert, beaucoup de gens étaient debout, emportés par le rythme de la musique. Voici quelques dernières images.

Demain: quelque chose plutôt agréable à manger ...


  1. I agree totally with Petrea, the photos you've taken of this event have been fantastic, you can almost feel the pulse of the beat.

  2. Lots of musical energy in the bottom photo!

  3. What a festival...it will be long remembered, particularly with this fine crop of images to remind us.
