19 August 2011

Bussana Vecchia - Cobblestones

Narrow streets, old cobbles, centuries of history.

Who walked on these ancient stones before the earthquake struck in 1887?


Des rues étroites, des vieux pavés ronds, des siècles d'Histoire.

Qui a marché sur ces pierres antiques avant le séisme en 1887?


  1. If only we could have a peek back in time, would be fascinating. Have a good weekend Jilly.

  2. I'm glad you showed us this village. I HAVE to go there! What a fabulous place!

  3. Reminds me very much of Airole when my dad bought the property there. As kids we were in and out of the old houses that the Germans set fire to on their retreat. We found loads of occupation money, bullet shells and rooms that were left just as the owners left them back in 1944. I now look back with very fond memories of the Airole that was!

  4. I often wonder who walked in medieval or ancient places. I had this feeling in Mycenae, Greece, after having passed through the Lion Gate, that I'd seen so many times in art history books.

  5. this is a fabulous series, jilly. i wish we'd had time to go there.

  6. Well may we speculate! However, I suspect we can know the 'type' of personnes by looking around other villages, even across the border at Menton. This cobbled way reminds me so much of images you have posted of Menton, the difference being the relative affluence and maintenance.

    Wonderful stories thus far, m'dear.

  7. This scene is a perfect as a prompt for a story or poem. Turn it into a painting...lots of possibilities!

  8. Absolutely marvelous, Jilly.

  9. My thought exactly... I wonder how many and who might have walked through this narrow street... great shot...

  10. The sense of history with a sprinkling of mystery amongst the stones and vines sends a little shiver down the spine... what an enchanted setting.


  11. This place is so gorgeous! Thanks for showing it.

  12. Oh, that is just so wonderful! I wish I could explore the doorways, take pictures.

    Years ago, when visiting some old mounds in Ohio, I felt as though I could see the people as they came up from the river to meet,trade goods, etc. It was as though we were walking among their spirits, or they with us. The picture and others' comments let me know I am not alone in this experience.

  13. Wow, this village looks like a perfect place for a lazy holiday. I love your pictures and these empty places remembering of old times.

  14. I'm completely enchanted. I am drawn there.

  15. I have poured over this whole series Jilly. What a charming place, it's like time forgot it and you've discovered it for us. Lovely lovely photos.

  16. Absolument fantastique! J'ai tellement envie de toucher ces murs pour mieux absorber!

    I simply love your blog...

  17. Similar to many other medieval villages in your area and in mine but with a rougher look - less touristy it seams. Just WONDERFUL !

    Great photos !
