24 August 2011

Bussana Vecchia - Fallen Angels

As if the village isn't beautiful enough, the 'piece de la resistance' is the church which stands at the very top. This church, destroyed in the earthquake of 1887, has no roof and most of the decoration is damaged or has gone, yet it is beautiful and affecting. One is immediately transported back in time to the day the village died.

Let's explore this old church over the next few days...


Comme si le village n'est pas assez beau ,il y a un 'plat de résistance' qui est l'église dressée à son sommet. Cette église, détruite dans le tremblement de terre de 1887, n'a pas de toit et la majeure partie de la décorations est endommagée ou a disparu, mais elle est encore belle et touchante. On est immédiatement transporté au moment de la journée où le village est mort.

Nous allons explorer cette ancienne église au cours des prochains jours ...


  1. Can only imagine how beautiful it would have looked in it's time when it's still beautiful to look at after all it's been through.

  2. Oh, yes, please. We'll be right by your side.

  3. The more you show the place, the more i want to go and visit it.I'm sure spirits and ghosts are strolling there..

  4. Coincidental you mention an earthquake today after the US one yesterday. I've had my share of tremors! This looks like a beautiful place to explore; waiting...

  5. Eager to explore with you . . .

  6. Beautiful but heartbreaking as well.

  7. This might be sadder than I can take, Jilly.

  8. So glad you managed to get in to capture these
