27 August 2011

Bussana Vecchia - Pigeonholed

Broken sculptures and faded frescoes have been home to countless pigeons since this church was destroyed in 1887.

I wonder how many baby birds started their lives here.


Sculptures brisées, fresques fanées ont été le berceau d'innombrables pigeons car cette église a été détruite en 1887.

Je me demande combien d'oisillons sont nés ici.


  1. I've often wondered the same thing in places like this... There don't seem to be any 'traces' the pigeons left behind...

  2. the pigeons look as if they are guarding her in that top shot. there is something so tender in the way you've composed this. as if there is communion between birds and stone.

  3. I suspect that pigeon residue is very acidic and just about the worst possible thing to coat old carvings with. So far, though, it seems to be salvageable.

  4. I think Bussana Vecchia must be one of the most beautiful places on earth.

  5. This week on my B'ham blog I'm featuring a series for the first time. I hope it's as well received as yours always are. It's an old former vaudeville theater that has had it's share of pigeon inhabitants.

  6. I hope the pigeons' acidic dejections don't do too much damage. The church has suffered enough already.
