26 August 2011

Bussana Vecchia - Scale

The church doors are normally kept locked. Happily one of the artists kindly got hold of the key. This meant that tourists followed me in to take photos and actually, as you will see, I think their presence gives a sense of scale to the church.

Note the pigeons.


Normalement les portes de l'église sont verrouillées. Heureusement, l'un des artistes a gentiment retrouvé la clé pour me permettre d'y entrer. Cela a permis aux touristes qui me suivaient de prendre des photos et ainsi, comme vous le verrez, je pense que leur présence donne une idée de l'échelle de l'église.

Remarquez les pigeons.


  1. Wow! Amazing! Great shot! I would love to see this church.

  2. Gorgeous old church. Have a great day.

  3. Seeing places like this in disrepair makes me sad. In India we visited so man 'havelis,' elaborate mansions that once belonged (some still do) to wealthy Indian families. Families left for one reason or another and their homes are either rented out to sometimes 10 families or abandoned...so sad, and they are so beautiful. Google 'haveli;, Rajasthan

  4. You have illustrated the dilemma often faced photographers. Take the photo with people in it to show scale, or wait to get a photo without people.

    I guess I should add a new option: can that person in my photo be edited out on the computer (although i have never done that).

  5. What a mood here... so romantic and sadly beautyful!

  6. Have really been enjoying this series Jilly, how amazing that you can still see some of the frescoes on the ceiling from so many hundreds of years ago!

  7. Wonder how much longer this can last? Wonderful series.

  8. Of course I know Bussana Vecchia and you, thank to these wonderful photos, let us feel the idea of peace (not really solitude or sense of neglect). Great job Jilly !!!

  9. Continue to love this place and this church. Pigeons, by the way, play a funny role in my book The Unfinished Angel.
