08 August 2011

Cheese as Art

Food, we are told, should be a feast for the eyes as well as the stomach. How's this for a painting of food - except it's real. This is simply the cheese platter, created by chef/artist, Naila, at my favourite restaurant, le Beausejour in the medieval village of Gorbio. Thank you Sally from Sydney for a great meal that evening.

The writing says 'Cultiver les legumes de son jardin et sourire' - 'Grow vegetables in your garden and smile.'


La nourriture , nous dit-on, devrait être un régal autant pour les yeux que pour l'estomac. Ceci ressemble à une peinture - sauf que c'est réel. C'est tout simplement le plateau de fromages, créée par Naïla, chef et artiste de mon restaurant préféré, le Beauséjour au village médiéval de Gorbio. Merci à Sally de Sydney pour le bon repas de ce soir-là.

est écrit: "Cultiver les légumes de son jardin et sourire."


  1. It was a pleasure - one of best meals of my life!
    This photo is gorgeous.

  2. Miam-miam! The creative arrangement in which the foods blend is fabulous... and tasty, I imagine!


  3. Even one French cheese on a platter is art for me, especially if it is a Chaource.

  4. what a charming presentation.

  5. Absolutely fabulous. I'll never look at a block of cheese in the same way. I'll see its potential to please not only the palate but also the eye!

  6. Good enough to eat Jilly, perfect presentation right down to the flower!

  7. A pleasure for the eyes and the palate!

  8. It is wonderful, Jilly. I agree. A beautiful presentation is perhaps one third of the enjoyment of a meal.

  9. I just ate and I'm hungry again!

  10. Just LOVELY !

    Of course slate plates are all the rage but how clever to actually write on them. The Beauséjour never fails to impress and delight.

    Glad you had such a good time with Sally :)
