16 August 2011

The Dog under the Bench

So there I was, early one morning, walking along the promenade at the foot of the Old Town when I saw this Golden Retriever sleeping under a bench. (small photo) I confess for one second I thought he'd been abandoned until I walked past and saw that his owner was sleeping above him. In the long shot, look carefully and you can see the bench with dog and owner.


Comme je me promenais tôt le matin, marchant le long de la promenade au pied de la vieille ville, j'ai vu ce Golden Retriever dormant sous un banc. (petite photo) J'avoue que pendant un instant j'ai pensé qu'il avait été abandonné jusqu'à ce que, en passant, je vois sa propriétaire dormir sur le banc au dessus de lui. Sur la photo en perspective, regardez attentivement et vous pourrez voir le banc avec le chien et sa


  1. Ha, I didn't even notice the dog until I had read the post! Looks like they enjoy the bench.

  2. Love it Jilly, togetherness haha!!

  3. Ooh, I love the views you offer here!

  4. Hey, you get your shade where you can!

  5. Fantastic photos and story. What a beautiful place to rest.

  6. That's a great shot!!! Love it.
