07 August 2011

Estuary of the Roya

If you cross the Italian border to visit Ventimiglia's busy Friday market and it's all getting too much - just cross the bridge and you'll find yourself here - at the estuary of the Roya river, where it meets the sea.


Si vous traversez la frontière italienne pour visiter le marché très fréquenté de Vintimille le vendredi où tout est exubérant - il suffit de traverser le pont et vous vous retrouverez ici - à l'estuaire de la rivière Roya, où elle se jette dans la mer.


  1. Wonderful movement and composition here, Jilly.

  2. oh, glorious place of respite and relief.

  3. Kim, England07 August, 2011

    Jilly, thanks for a lovely view of the Roya estuary colours and movment. I'm due in Menton later this month for my annual visit - can't wait :-) and looking forward to the Friday visit to the market in Ventimiglia. Your web page keeps me in touch with the region all year round.
    Kim, Shrewsbury, England

  4. Your estuary looks a lot different than the estuaries that I have shown on my site. Where are the mangrove thickets?

    One thing that is the same, I suspect, is that people need to be careful about swimming where the estuary flows into the sea when the tide is running out.

  5. These variegated shades of turquoise are simply divine... clear waters, apart from the bustle of the market.


  6. The color took my breath. Jilly, these are wonderful.

  7. ...and looking back into the very far, far,distance you can see the snow capped tops of the Alps from where the water comes. It's a lovely spot to visit.

  8. Turquoise dream waters ! Thanks for the wonderful colours.
