08 September 2011

Bussana Vecchia - Red Door

This house doesn't seem to belong in this ancient village, does it? Yet, look at the small photo and you see this renovation is just above the old church.

It's not so much the red door - there's art of every sort in the village and the door is fun. But it's the modern wrought iron work covering the window and something about the brickwork - perhaps the grouting. It's too new, too modern - perhaps it just needs a few hundred years...


On ne s'attendrait pas à trouver cette maison dans un village ancien, n'est ce pas? Pourtant, regardez la petite photo et vous verrez que cette habitation rénovée se trouve juste au-dessus de la vieille église.

Ce n'est pas tellement la porte rouge car l'art est présent sous toutes sortes de formes dans le village et la porte est jolie. Mais c'est le travail du fer forgé moderne couvrant la fenêtre ainsi que quelque chose dans la maçonnerie - peut-être le jointoiement. C'est trop neuf, trop moderne et peut-être devrions-nous revenir dans quelques centaines d'années ...


  1. c'est original et c'est une tres belle creation

  2. I agree with you : apart from the creative side of using old tools to create that door, everything is wrong about this renovation : The wrought iron railing around the rooftop terrace, the masonry work, the glass awning above the door (we call that a "marquise" in French, what's the name in English?)... wrong materials, wrong proportions. All wrong.

  3. I see what you mean. Is that a piece of marble above the door? How beautiful it is with its many veins...like a good blue cheese.

  4. A clever use of old tools, if they like old tools. Opening the door might remind me that there are chores to be done with the tools.

  5. The marble is lovely, however as a lintel, which is meant to support the stone above the door - it's not very strong! I foresee trouble in the future for this family!

  6. For you it might be too new, but for me, it's still has so much charm. The red door with the ironwork, so special and unlike anything here.
