09 September 2011

Bussana Vecchia - the Young People

It's probably time to think about leaving Bussana Vecchia even though there's so much more to show you - there's a second church, there's a garden open to the public at the top of the village, there are more restaurants but Menton beckons as do other villages. So perhaps a day or so more and we'll move on. But we'll come back. Everyone I spoke to in Bussana Vecchia said it must be photographed at sunset - that the colours are magificent - so one day, we'll be back.

For today, here are photos of young people who live in the village. Don't you love that this ancient village, rescued and restored from the ruins of an earthquake has these young people who know it only as home.


Il est probablement temps de penser à quitter Bussana Vecchia, même s'il reste encore beaucoup de choses à vous montrer - une seconde église, un jardin ouvert au public dans le haut du village, plusieurs restaurants - mais Menton et d'autres villages autour de Menton nous attirent. Alors peut-être un jour ou plus et nous resterons ici. Mais, nous reviendrons plus tard. Tous ceux à que j'ai parlé à Bussana Vecchia disent qu'ici les photos sont plus belles au coucher du soleil: les couleurs sont magifiques. Nous y reviendrons.

Pour aujourd'hui, voici des photos de jeunes gens qui vivent dans le village. Aimez-vous autant ce vieux village, sauvé et restauré à partir des ruines d'un tremblement de terre que ces jeunes gens dont c'est le foyer?


  1. Great depth of field and composition in your top photo! The arch, the fountain, the blonde beauty stepping round the corner - wonderful!

  2. oh, jilly, i'll be sad to see this wonderful series come to an end. this is a magical place and these young people add to the mystery and beauty.

  3. I will be ready for more photos from theis charming town whenever you decide to post more.

  4. The top image is fantastic, it has a touch of "Picnic at Hanging Rock' about it, was she really there or a figment? Have enjoyed this series and will be more than happy when you return here. Have a great week end Jilly.

  5. And not only is she lovely as she is running away, I love the bright green vines against the dark rough stones. A wonderful series again Jilly.

  6. Well, if I start to miss it, I can always revisit. Thank you for taking us along.

  7. Thanks so much for kind words, everyone. I'll post more pics of Bussana Vecchia tomorrow and Sunday. New subject on Monday. Bises xxx

  8. I too love the top photo...somehow it seems surreal to me, like Alice disappearing down the rabbit hole.

  9. Yes, love that the young people are there. That first photo esp is so striking.

  10. Oh Jilly, Jilly, Jilly, I'm being over-dramatic but I've fallen in love with Bussana Vecchia through your photos. I told my husband that we have to visit someday, even if it means skipping Paris (don't tell Virginia)!
