22 September 2011

Flamenco in Gorbio

Each year Gorbio holds a flamenco festival in the village. This year was the tenth anniversary and the organisers planned it a little differently to previous years. On one evening the male dancers performed alone and on the following evening, the ladies. I went to the men's night and so missed all the beautiful dresses but I can tell you there was a lot of testosterone flying around that evening.


Chaque année Gorbio organise un festival de flamenco dans le village. Cette année, c'était son dixième anniversaire et les organisateurs l'ont planifié un peu différemment des années précédentes. Pendant une soirée les hommes ont dansé seuls et le lendemain soir ce sont les femmes qui ont dansé . Je ne suis allée qu'à la soirée des hommes et j'ai ainsi raté toutes les belles robes, mais je peux vous dire qu'il y avait beaucoup de testostérone qui se dégageait autour de cette soirée.


  1. Testosterone in heels Jilly, love that the men wear heels too! So beautiful to watch the flamenco, wonder why they decided to do separate nights?

  2. oh, very good choice of nights to attend!

  3. That is a terrific lead photograph, Jilly. Such built up energy.

  4. In the past you have shown us paella. Now Flamenco. If I didn't know better, one might think that people on the French Riviera wish they were Spanish.

  5. Easy explanation, Dave. Our mayor's roots go back to Spain and mayors run villages. We all love it though.

  6. A fantastic opening photo Jilly. The line of the dancer's suit against the dark background is truly spectacular.

    I'm so glad you went to that evening, I hope to see more in the coming days. Testosterone eh? I would have enjoyed that :-)

    PS - I loved the idea of Happpy core !!!

  7. Great captures. The two colored shots catch the release of emotion through dance. (The middle guy looks like he is imitating Big Bird.)

  8. After this particular evening I looked at the photos and didn't like one of them. I was comparing them to the African evening when there was more light. Anyway I rejected them and said 'next year.' Then yesterday I took a look and quite liked one or two and am so pleased you do. It just shows we should go back and look at our work with a fresh eye sometimes. Thanks for the encouragement everyone!

  9. Must have been a fun event. That first portrait is brilliant.

  10. From some of the men's comments I agree that we might have benefited from the ladies' night? Oh well. :-) You know how I appreciate the flamenco dancers and it's interesting to see the men's solos. It's curious that the organizers didn't include a mixed night out!

    Love you photo art, Jilly.



  11. That would have been my choice too.

  12. There is something so sexy about flamenco boots. Then again, I suppose the boots matter less than all that flying testosterone.

  13. Ken, I didn't explain properly - apologies. The festival is over 4 days. The first night is a platform for a young new dancer, then the two main nights (Saturday and Sunday) were this year devoted to one night of men and one night of women) and then on the last night, they all dance together. Unfortunately on the last night the event was cancelled due to rain but, en principe, it should have seen the men and women together.

  14. Marvellous Jilly....given you explained to me the limitations you encountered in getting photos, these are wonderful. Fantastico!!!
