14 September 2011

Those Lazy, Hazy, Crazy Days of Summer

It's still very hot here although the sun is lazy - she gets up later and goes to bed earlier. Autumn will soon be here.


Ici, il fait encore très chaud , même si le soleil paresseux se lève tard et se couche tôt.L' automne sera bientôt là.


  1. With the kind of autumn we have here, you're making our northern friends jealous! Ü

  2. We will have our first taste of summer this weekend with temps to 32. Great shot with the candy stripe brollies.

  3. ah, but no soda, pretzels, or beer in evidence.

  4. Wow, these summer photos warm a dull and dreary day in England, I cannot waot to be back in Menton but I have to wait until October.....still, I have your photos to remind me of what my family and I are missing

  5. nice pic !
    Try to keep that summer going on... we´ll be there at weekend.
    Escaping from chilly and rainy Finland :)

  6. You've got a great photo here. Our sun's doing the same thing over here in Portland, Oregon.

  7. The color coordinated beach umbrellas are a Riviera trademark.

    In our home in Arizona, we welcome fall, as it means we can enjoy the outdoor activities in our delightful fall, winter and spring weather.

    In northwest Costa Rica, it is comfortably warm all the time and the change of seasons in November brings the dry "summer" season.

  8. Geez, your shot of this on the day we were there together is so much better than mine. The top pic is layered just right.

  9. The photo makes no representation that the beach is sand and does convey a sense of heat. Makes the idea of a mattress and umbrella very desirable.

    It's still very warm here too - amazingly warm!
