26 September 2011

A Village Wedding - Winona

Long time readers may remember 'A Village Wedding' when Patricia and Walter got married in the medieval village of Gorbio three years ago. Last Saturday, there was another wedding - this time it was the turn of Patricia's sister, Sandra.

So, by way of introduction to this second wedding, let me introduce you to Winona, the totally adorable daughter of Patricia and Walter, all dressed up in pink and white for her auntie's big day.

Tomorrow...you are invited to the wedding of Sandra and Emmanuel.

Click on the link to see Patricia and Walter on their wedding day three years ago.


Visiteurs de longue date, vous vous souvenez peut-être d'« une noce de village » quand Patricia et Walter se sont mariés, il y a trois ans, dans le village médiéval de Gorbio. Samedi dernier, il y a eu un autre mariage et cette fois-ci c'était le tour Sandra, la soeur de Patricia.

Ainsi , en guise d'introduction à ce second mariage, laissez- moi vous présenter Winona, la petite fille absolument adorable de Patricia et Walter, tous habillés en rose et blanc pour le grand jour de la tante.

Demain ... vous êtes invités au mariage de Sandra et Emmanuel.

Cliquez sur le lien pour voir Patricia et Walter jour de leur mariage il y a trois ans de ça.


  1. Oh she is delightful Jilly, her frilly little dress with the pink bows is just gorgeous!

  2. Too cute!! were you invited, or just passing by?..

  3. ou la curieuse, la premiere photo est magnifique, bravo

  4. A second wedding in Gorbio? Yippeeee, I'm SO looking forward to it! Your sweet candid photo here was just the right choice to tempt us. I know we're in for a not only a treat but a whole series of treats!

  5. She is adorable and I love the perspective of that first photo. More to come? I cannot wait to see another wedding in Gorbio!


  6. oh, jilly, i'm wearing such a smile on my face. wonderful images, wonderful story, wonderful new life in beautiful gorbio. can't wait for more.

  7. An adorable child with adoring adults. A lot of wonderful things can happen in three years! Thanks for the link to the previous wedding; I remember well the heart shaped petals. Looking forward to more photos.

    PS. I'll bet that you get another note of thanks!!

  8. She's a lovely little girl, Jilly. I enjoyed her parents' wedding and look forward to her aunt and uncle's.

  9. Who would think before the internet age that people around the world would enjoy a wedding. This is better than the Royal Wedding. A cute toddler is more appealing than a bunch of over-the-top hats.

  10. What an adorable little girl and what great pictures. Look forward to reading and seeing pictures of the wedding.

  11. Very cute, Jilly. The little girl is delightful.

  12. The entire family is so photogenic, especially in your hands!!!

  13. This is a delight, Jilly. I love the interest in the frills in your first shot.

    I remember that wedding 3 years ago. Was that the one you chose to cover your visit to the USA? There was a report in the paper here today saying that young couples in Australia are paying out in excess of $36,000 for weddings nowadays. This is on average ... tsk tsk tsk ...

  14. Well, the child is bold, if otherwise adorable. Good thing the ring bearer isn't doing this.

  15. VERY cute girl playing with a pink skirt! Oh la la, les legs!

  16. I"m declaring this top photo one of your ALL TIME BEST! But as we all know, that will be eclipsed soon enough. For now, I'm swooning.

  17. Thanks everyone for the kind comments. This was easy - one delightful child! The lady with the pink skirt is her mother (see last photo too)

    Kate, I had better than a note of thanks. The mother of the bride invited me to take drinks and food with all the family and friends in the square. I was really moved by this and felt even more part of the community of the village.

    Julie I can't remember if that's when I went to America. You've got a better memory than me!

  18. I'll second Virginia's vote for that top photo as the best of the best!!! I love it!!! And I love Patricia's and Winona's dresses!!!

  19. I adore the pink and cream lace bodice of the dress Patricia is wearing!

  20. *grin*

    'Twas when you were in the States!
