21 September 2011

The White Penitents of Gorbio

There are several tiny chapels in the medieval village of Gorbio. This one, opposite the main church, is the Chapel of the White Penitents and dates from 1445.

The White Penitents of the Holy Cross were a humanitarian group in small isolated villages such as Gorbio, and they still keep this tradition, making themselves available to help the old and the sick.

This service was held on the 11th September and as you can see not many people fit into the tiny interior.


A Gorbio, il y a plusieurs petites chapelles dans le village médiéval. Celle-ci, la chapelle des Pénitents Blancs, se trouve en face de l'église principale et date de 1445.

Les Pénitents Blancs de la Sainte Croix sont des groupes humanitaires qui oeuvrent dans de petits villages isolés comme Gorbio, et ils ont toujours pour tradition d'être disponibles pour aider les personnes âgées et les malades.

Ce service a eu lieu le 11 Septembre et comme vous pouvez le constater peu de gens occupent l'intérieur minuscule.


  1. Good morning Jilly!
    I took the same photo with the coloured bike.. ;-)
    I thought it doesn't really fit on my photo and wished someone would come and ride away....
    Do you think this church will be the next to get a new facade?
    Barbara from Germany

  2. Such nice things you show and tell in this post.

  3. there's such a sense of fellowship in that small space.

  4. Very nice to read that the tradition continues. Something worth saving from the middle ages.
