28 October 2011

Bordighera - a Corner for a Chat

Climb up a narrow streets that widens at the top before it continues off to the right. Here, you'll find a bench on either side and the end, two chairs, lavender growing out of the rocks, bougainvillea tumbling over the wall...and a cat.


Montez le long d'une des rues étroites qui s'élargit vers le haut avant de poursuivre vers la droite. Ici, vous trouverez un banc de chaque côté puis, deux chaises, de la lavande qui pousse dans la roche, des bougainvillées qui retombent sur un mur ... et un chat.


  1. Perfect place to chat, with that one personalized chair.

  2. I must have been a cat in a former life, I like this place very much! Ü

  3. Gorgeous sunny afternoon spot to sit Jilly, beautifully composed image.

  4. What an absolutely charming setting

  5. I'm a little in love, with the cat and with the place.

  6. Here you have caught so much of the flavor of these villages - the chairs for resting and chatting, the flowers, the stone, the ubiquitous cat . . .
