29 October 2011

Bordighera - the Flower Lady

This joyful lady is decorating her corner of the village with flowers for the following day's Fete Day. Later, like every Italian I've ever met, she was more than happy to pose for a photo amd smile her wonderful smile.


Cette joyeuse dame décore son coin de village avec des fleurs pour la Fête du lendemain. Ensuite, comme tous les italiens que j'ai toujours rencontrés , elle s'est montrée très heureuse de poser pour une photo en offrant son merveilleux sourire.


  1. This is a nice series that illustrates why little Italian towns and villages are so charming. I think you and Nathalie should have returned to the trattoria and added another cork to that bowl.

  2. Gorgeous smile. She was so nice and friendly, she really made us feel welcome in her village.
