01 October 2011

Square Balls

We've left the wedding in Gorbio for just one day - it's Theme Day and the subject this month is 'Mystery Object.' So, how about square balls? Boules carrées (square balls) is an intelligent adaptation of the game of boules when you consider the slopes and the rough surfaces in a medieval village.

Square balls has been played in Gorbio for about 15 years but this year saw the first organised contest. In the morning, the children competed and later in the day - the adults. And as you can see by the minute measurements taken when deciding the winner, it's taken every bit as seriously as normal boules.

Note the square: tomorrow this is where the civil marriage will take place.

Please click to see how others around the world have interpreted today's theme.


Pour un jour seulement, nous quittons le mariage de Gorbio car c'est la Journée thématique et le sujet de ce mois est « Objet Mystère ». Alors, que diriez-vous des boules carrées? Les Boules carrées est un jeu bien adapté quand on considère les pentes et les surfaces rugueuses dans un village médiéval.

Le jeu de Boules carrées se pratique à Gorbio depuis environ 15 ans mais cette année ce fut le premier concours organisé. Dans la matinée, les enfants ont participé et plus tard dans la journée, les adultes. Et comme vous pouvez le voir par les mesures précises prises pour désigner le vainqueur, c'est tout aussi sérieux que de boules traditionnelles.

Remarquez la place car demain c'est là que le mariage civil aura lieu.

S'il vous plaît cliquer pour voir comment les autres autour du monde ont interprété le thème d'aujourd'hui.


  1. Well that is something you don't see everyday Jilly. Is it a local adaptation or more widespread? Hope you have a lovely weekend.

  2. How unusual! Now that I have seen square balls, I don't know if there is anything else I need to see.

  3. I am from Southern France and I can honestly say I have never seen anyone play with "Square balls" before. Cool. Bon weekend, Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  4. Square balls? Okay, I'll add that to my information database. It does make sense. Can you tell us the composition, metal, or wood?

    Love that cobbled courtyard.


  5. Genie, I should have mentioned that. They are made of wood.

  6. Hah! Really ... my guess, Genie, is wood. I like the use of colour too, to differentiate the teams.

  7. I love it..I have never seen this before, what an interesting game...there are a few streets here inNYC I could play that on...I think I'll have to find oiut how to play now. Great stuff.

  8. That is really unusual. A fun new fact to learn on theme day.

  9. Well well well... I am a boules aficionado, but this is new to me. Gotta get me some of those!

  10. clever solution to playing boules in gorbio...clever take on the theme.

  11. Almost unbelievable... but practical and funny! Great catch with a surprise...

  12. A first for me. Despite living part time in the Vaucluse and come upon many games of boules, I have never seen this version of boules.

  13. square balls? who would have thought. great choice for theme day

  14. Definitely an unusual object!

  15. What a great variation on the more well known version- well captured as well.

    (Thanks for the vote!)

  16. Brilliant choice for your mystery object, Jilly. I bet nobody else photographed square balls!

  17. Indeed, that is very 'astucieux,' to say the least. What a perfect solution to rolling 'boules'!

  18. What a lovely square!
    Great blog!

  19. Looks like a mysterious game but lots of fun! Great theme day posting, Jilly!
    In talking with my cousin and his wife yesterday, she said they sipped wine in the MENTON harbor.... thought of you directly!

  20. Makes sense! There is hardly any flat level spot in Gorbio. Balls wld probably just roll about forever until they dropped off the mountainside! Cunningly ingneious.

  21. Jamais vu , excellent !:)
