07 October 2011

A Village Wedding - Bubbles

I wonder if he dreams of his wedding day in one of these bubbles? Probably not...


Je me demande s'il rêve de son mariage à travers l'une de ces bulles? Probablement pas...


  1. HAHA! being this old, he only thinks that girls are Bwwwaoaoa! and Bieieierrk!Only good to be targets to send soap bubbles to! :o))

  2. ah, the three wonderful imps are back.

  3. And two little ones, so adorable in their little outfits! Mignon!

  4. Jilly, as I enjoy this series I ask myself (je me demande), do the people of the village think of you as their village photographer? It seems they accept you as the chronicler of local events. These photos are intimate and wonderful.

  5. Petrea, after I photographed the first wedding three years ago (the sister of this bride) people got to know me. They'd seen and liked the photos. I think they perhaps think of me as the mad English woman who adores Gorbio! What moved me so much this time is that the mother of the bride invited me to have drinks in the centre of the square with the family and guests. That really touched me. Whilst doing that several people told me how they look at the blog and really appreciate that the photos keep the traditions of the village alive. I'm sure they'd stay alive regardless of photos - of course they would - but it was really nice to hear that. I do feel more and more part of the village and accepted by the villagers which I think is quite something for a foreigner in a French village.

  6. He has a one track mind; bubbles and whatever mischief he can create with them. Girls are the enemy at this age.

    Darryl and Ruth :)

  7. The fact that you're a part of it all really shows in your photos, Jilly.

  8. I love these photos, Jilly. Little boys having fun always takes me back to when mine now grown sons were little boys, wonderful memories.
