19 October 2011

A Village Wedding - the Bus to Menton

As the wedding reception continues in the village square, everyday life goes on around it.

For example, the village bus stops by the nearly 300 year old elm tree, allowing passengers to get off or get on. This bus makes the trip back and forth to Menton several times a day. Cost: 1 euro. All buses in the Alpes-Maritimes cost 1 euro.


Alors que la réception de mariage se déroule sur la place du village, la vie quotidienne continue autour d' elle.

Ainsi, le bus du village est arrêté sous l' orme âgé de près de trois cents ans, permettant aux passagers de monter et descendre à son bord. Ce bus fait le trajet aller et retour vers Menton, plusieurs fois par jour. Coût du trajet 1 euro. Tous les déplacements en bus dans les Alpes- Maritimes coûtent 1 euro.


  1. Ah, the great French public transportation system. How I miss it here! The French Riviera bus system beats them all. I tested it this system and could not believe my eyes-- or my wallet! 1 Euro to go anywhere in the region. Wow. Love this shot. How did they get the dress to stand like this?
    Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  2. from your pictures, I gauge Menton to be a wonderful place!

  3. Bienvenue.... the dresses (four of them) were stuffed with small cushions. Still pretty miraculous they stood up.

    And yes, Rakesh, Menton is a great place but then perhaps I'm biased.

  4. What great public transportation. I guess people attending the wedding could even ride the bus back and not have to worry about drinking and driving.
