16 October 2011

A Village Wedding - Champagne

Everyone wants a drink but if you are a young boy, perhaps you have to wait. He looks as if he'd like to help himself, doesn't he?

Don't you love the elegance of the beautiful blonde lady?

The young man pouring champagne is Clement (last photo) - he works at the Restaurant Beausejour and is always charming, always smiling, always polite - such a nice person.


Tout le monde veut boire un verre mais si vous êtes un petit garçon, il vous faudra peut-être attendre. Celui-ci regarde comme s'il aimerait se servir lui-même, n'est-ce pas?

Aimez-vous l'élégance de la belle dame blonde ?

Le jeune homme qui verse le champagne c'est Clément (dernier photo) - il travaille au Restaurant Beauséjour et il est toujours charmant, souriant, et poli - c'est un jeune homme très agréable.


  1. I like the way you captured so many interesting facial expressions.
    Good timing!

  2. Ditto what Nikon said. Love the first photo of the boy.

  3. The boy does indeed to be sizing up the beverage choices.

  4. Great pictures, Jilly. Yes, we can read the young man's mind, and yes, the woman is elegant and lovely, although I will deny this comment if my wife reads it.
