20 October 2011

A Village Wedding - Good Things

Here are some of the many good things to eat at the reception, prepared by the Restaurant Beausejour. Those tiny cherry tomatoes on skewers have been cooked and then dipped in sesame seeds - delicious!

In addition, guests were offered a choice of many different drinks including Pernod and Kir Royale - champagne flavoured with a syrup. There were four flavours but I can only remember two: Cassis and Blackberry.

I was truly touched when the mother of the bride invited me to join in the celebrations and have a drink. A special moment that made me feel even more part of this village I love so much.


Voici quelques exemples des bonnes choses proposées à la réception. Il y avait beaucoup de plats delicieux preparés par le restaurant Beauséjour. Les miniscules brochettes de tomates cerises qui ont été cuites puis roulées dans des graines de sésame - délicieux!

De plus, les invités se sont vus offrir un choix de plusieurs boissons différentes, dont du Pernod et du Kir Royal - champagne aromatisé au sirop de quatre saveurs, mais je ne peux me souvenir que de deux: Cassis et Mûre.

J'ai été vraiment touchée quand la mère de la mariée m'a invitée à me joindre
à la réception pour boire un verre. Un moment spécial qui m'a fait sentir bien integree à ce village que j'aime tant.


  1. That is so sweet about the mother of the bride. It's what I miss about the region, true community.

  2. You're becoming a local institution, Jilly! :o) (they even had sushi, OMG!)

  3. That first photo would be an inspiration for an Old Master painting. And boy, that all looks good.

  4. Looks like you had a nice time at the wedding. From the pictures, i bet the spread was awesome and the wedding full of life.

  5. Well, of course you would be invited. There can't be a truly festive reception without you! And you have made their local, village wedding a subject of celebration around the world.

  6. Of course you were invited, Jilly. You have made Gorbio famous with your beautiful photos.

  7. Bibi thought as I did . . . the first photo is classic. Is the last photo of French sushi?
