12 October 2011

A Village Wedding - Guns N' Roses

The bride and groom emerge from the church to a shower of rose petals and a barrage of noise from the guns.

Note the young boy with his fingers in his ears!

Long life and happiness to Sandra and Emmanuel.


La mariée et le marié sortent de l'église sous une pluie de pétales de roses et les détonations d' une haie de fusils .

Remarquez le jeune garçon avec les doigts dans ses oreilles!

Longue vie et bonheur à Sandra et Emmanuel.


  1. Not sure about the gunfire, but rather gorgeous freeze-frame moment!

  2. Aaaaah, what a gorgeous moment!
    That photo deserves framing for the happy couple !

  3. Love your title Jilly!! They make a lovely looking couple.

  4. haha! perfect title today!

  5. Beautiful to see, but glad we cannot hear it. I would not want to be a bird at a wedding in Gorbio! Where do the bullets land, I wonder.

  6. Have loved your wedding series. Very clever title!

  7. I'm surprised to see the guns! But the rose petals are a lovely idea!
