23 October 2011

A Village Wedding - the Last Hoorah

Our final day at this wonderful wedding and a few remaining images: the bride's train, the happy couple, but the last photo had to be of the adorable Winona, niece of the bride. It was with Winona we started this series and so we finish with her - playing with her Auntie Valérie.

Once again, long life and happiness to Sandra and Emmanuel. It was such a pleasure to take this series of photos of your great day. Thank you.


Voici la fin de ce merveilleux mariage et quelques dernières images : la traine de la mariée, le couple heureux , mais la dernière photo sera celle de Winona, l'adorable nièce de l'épouse. C'est avec Winona nous avons commencé cette série et ainsi nous finissons avec elle - jouant avec sa tante Valérie.

Encore une fois, longue vie et bonheur à Sandra et Emmanuel. C'était un grand plaisir à prendre cette série de photos de votre grand jour. Je vous en remercie.


  1. It's been such a pleasure to follow this wedding all the way through, well done Jilly.

  2. This was a wonderful series. Thank you for sharing this event with us.

  3. A nice series, Jilly I feel like I was there.

  4. Blissfully perfect; thanks so much.

  5. I have enjoyed THE BIG DAY!
    Thanks Jilly!:)

  6. Such a wonderful series of great photos. You actually give the feel of the town and it's people, and I envy you for being part of them!! Great job!

  7. I"m catching up. Love the last of the wedding photos. The petals remind me of a find outside the City Hall in the Marais last juin. Gorgeous series Jilly.

  8. The first one: a "coup" of Class made by Jilly

  9. A fabulous series of the wedding, Jilly. What a pleasure sharing it through your lens. Thank you!
