01 November 2011

Bordighera - Don't fall over the edge...

In a land where villages are built on many different levels - particularly the hill villages of France and Italy - fences, railings, walls - all are essential if you don't want to fall over the edge. Here we see one in Bordighera Alta in Italy.

Please click here to see how others around the world have interpreted today's theme - Fences


Dans un pays où les villages sont construits sur différents niveaux - en particulier les villages perchés de France et d'Italie - les clôtures, grilles, murs - sont tous indispensables si vous ne voulez pas tomber par dessus bord. Ici nous voyons une barrière à Bordighera Alta, en Italie.

S'il vous plaît cliquer pour voir comment les autres autour du monde ont interprété le thème d'aujourd'hui - les clôtures.


  1. I love buildings on the hillside.
    (as long as there's not landslide! haha).

    Happy Theme Day!

  2. It would be lovely to be fenced in like that.

  3. This special place of Bordighera looks really like some places in Menton!I'd prefer the fence to have an older style, in order to match better with architecture around.

  4. Classic 20th century fence fits in beautifully with the old, probably ancient surroundings. Great shots Jilly, thanks for your comments. Hope November is a great month in your part of the world.

  5. I definitely would not feel walled in here; it looks like a pleasant place to spend a few hours with friends--reading, eating, and chatting.

  6. It is nice to see a fence not designed to keep people out, but to keep people safe.

  7. Functional and clever. Love the rouge circles!

  8. This is absolutely charming...

  9. I'd fall over that edge, too, fainting from the beauty of it all!

  10. Kate : "it looks like a pleasant place to spend a few hours with a friend..." - I can only agree!


  11. Good one. These are important fences!

  12. A great support for a few more wines

  13. Point well made in so many of your wonderful images, Jilly! I have an Italian fence today too.

  14. Very inviting fencescapes (if that's not a word it has to be one for theme day).
