26 November 2011

PhotoMenton - Charles Aznavour

Who knew that the well-known singer, Charles Aznavour was such a good photographer? He was the honoured invitee at PhotoMenton this year. Here are a few of his photos.

The self-portrait of Charles Aznavour is signed and is to be auctioned in favour of HAMAP.


Qui savait que le célèbre chanteur, Charles Aznavour est un si bon photographe ? Il est l'invité d'honneur de PhotoMenton cette année. Voici quelques-unes de ses photos.

L'auto-portrait de Charles Aznavour est signé par lui sera vendu aux enchères en faveur du HAMAP.


  1. Encore une corde à rajouter à son arc, déjà bien fourni! Intéressant! -- Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  2. Is he the one who wrote "Send in the Clowns"? If so, you can tell him: "Don't worry, they're here" (in Iowa for the caucuses).

  3. At first I thought, "what a charming name for a dog."

    I like the photo! He's a good photographer.

  4. The dog charms me. (CA is an excellent actor, as well.)

  5. M. Aznavour is indeed quite the photographer. LOVE the dog shot.

    I'm sure you enjoyed having him as part of the exhibit. I'll bet he was duly impressed with your photos dear Jilly!
