27 November 2011

PhotoMenton - the Post-It Note

This exhibitor, Stefano Bassetti, has a charming idea. He has posted dozens of small photos and then invited the public to take any photo they like, write a few words on a notelet and post it in place of the photo. Publicity for him, of course, as his name is on the photo and a nice memento for the person who took it.


Cet exposant, Stefano Bassetti, a eu une idée charmante. Il a affiché des dizaines de petites photos et a ensuite invité le public à en prendre une qu'ils aiment, d'écrire quelques mots sur une petite carte et de l'afficher à la place de la photo. C'est ainsi une publicité pour lui puisque son nom est sur ​​la photo et un souvenir agréable pour la personne qui l'a prise.


  1. Nice idea to have visitors partake in your art, and indeed it's advertisement too!

  2. Brilliant idea, certainly gets people looking at his work!

  3. I have a stack I should do this with to get them outta here!

  4. I agree with Sharon. Great idea.

  5. I like M. Bassetti's idea. I hope he keeps the notes. On days when he needs an ego boost they will come in handy.
